Friday, July 25, 2008

Dear Love of My Life,

Today's's word of the day is sempiternal.

sempiternal \sem-pih-TUR-nuhl\, adjective:
Of never ending duration; having beginning but no end; everlasting; endless.

Today's word of the day made me think of you.

Darling, wherever/whomever you are, please know that I'll always do my part to help create a sempiternal love between us.

I'd be lying if I said we'd never fight. I can't promise that we won't occasionally hurt each other's feelings. There might even be times when we want to walk away.

But I can guarantee that as long as you are there, I will be there too.

I will always actively love you.

Only yours,


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dear Shark Lovers,

It’s time for another week of teeth-gnashing, jaw-clamping, train wreck-watching fun. Yes, folks. Shark Week is back.

From July 27 - August 2, catch all the bloodthirsty action on Discovery Channel.

Their promo site is pretty awesome, even if it’s all done in Flash and ridden with advertisements. It’s super interactive and includes viral components to drive traffic. I’m pretty sure the budget for this project was nonexistent.

Kickass Feature #1
Hop on your ship, find REAL sharks, study their every move and compile research to earn enough bank to improve your observation methods. Compete with other ships to see who’s the biggest, baddest sharkrunner.

Kickass Feature #2
State of the Shark
Find out which sharks swim where.

Kickass Feature #3
Video Mixer
Graphics + Transitions + Video + Sound Effects + Music = How is a noted documentary filmmaker like me supposed to find time to write copy for a corporate giant? Hmmm… Is this billable?

Kickass Feature #4
Shark Conservation Blog
Hey, man. Don’t kill a bunch of sharks, okay? Each year, more people are struck by lightning than attacked by sharks. Yeah, occasionally, these predators bite people. You’re in their world, dumbass. They’re hungry. Stuff happens. You lose.

Kickass Feature #5
Shark Yourself
Dude. I totally saved the best for last. Upload a pic (of yourself, a friend, your dog), customize it with a massive shark grill and email it to all your friends.


Happy shark watching and ocean fearing,


P.S. Can't wait another day to sink your teeth into Shark Week? Don't forget about this classic.

Dear Inspiration,

Hello, old friend. Remember me? Where have you been? I’ve been sitting here trying to write for weeks, but nothing good has left my pen. See? I just used the word good. It sucks. I’m starting to doubt myself. Please come back. And bring your friends, Talent, Creativity and Humor. Grammar too, I guess.

Oh, Inspiration, your absence surprises me. I’m currently heartbroken. We all know nothing writes better than a broken heart. So, where the heck are you?

Also, I think I might be unheartbroken. Ya know — fixed. It doesn’t hurt anymore when I think about it. Okay, that’s a lie. But it’s definitely gotten easier. The pain isn’t paralyzing and the constant lump in my throat has dissolved into a tiny pebble in my shoe. That’s progress. I can’t listen to any of the CDs I’ve burned in the last year and a half, but whatev, yo.

Anyway, Inspy, I hope you’ll come home soon and make silly blogs like this one obsolete. I miss you.

Your friend always,
