Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dear Blog,

You're a joke. I don't know why I waste time with you. You lack substance and relevance. Nobody reads you. Nobody cares what you say.

Your words are simple and lame. A third grader could write you.

I was reading old blogs I wrote (I'd written? Grammar Avenger? Help?) in college and they rocked. Then, it occurred to me that I might very well be washed up at age 25.

Where's the passion? Has advertising stifled my creativity or just tightened up my sentences?

I don't know... I do know that omitting curse words from my blog has made it sound silly and romantic. But then again, I am silly and romantic. Just not passionate, apparently.

Whatever, Blog. You suck. I hate you. You're worthless.

Please die,



apple said...

you're cute.

Krissyface said...

Dear Me,

I love your blog.
What an innovative idea.
Goddamnit, why didn't I have it?!?!?!

Love, Krissyface

Grammar Avenger said...

I'd go with "I'd written" in this situation.

I need some sort of comma-shaped signal in the sky so that I don't end up replying to cries for help weeks late.